Chapters & Clubs
Four Active Chapters
In 1951, the Alumni Association authorized the charter for its first chapter, the Harrisburg Chapter. Currently, there are four active chapters; District of Columbia (a.k.a. DMV), Harrisburg, Homestead, and Honorary.
Our chapters support the mission of the Association, assist in promoting and administering programs, and promote the fellowship and welfare of the Association, students, and staff.
For those who are not geographically located close to a chapter, but are interested in fellowship and unity, MHSAA supports the formulation of Social Clubs. These clubs are less formal than a chapter and focus on camaraderie.

Honorary Membership Chapter
Honorary membership is special lifetime membership status granted to individuals in recognition of their significant contributions and/or support to the school, its students, and the alumni community, even though the individual is not a graduate themselves. We commonly refer to members of the Honorary Chapter as our difference makers. The chapter provides a Lifer award every year to graduating seniors who have been at the school for twelve or more years.
Homestead Chapter
Although chapters are geographically based and the Homestead Chapter meets in Hershey, it is not restricted by geographic boundaries. Just as the Homestead was Milton Hershey’s home, Hershey, PA is the Homestead of all alumni. The Homestead Chapter serves monthly breakfasts, operates the Spartanwear store, and staffs the visitors’ concession stands at MHS sporting events. They also host a Christmas party for MHS students and support students at athletic events.
District of Columbia Chapter
Our District of Columbia Chapter supports our alumni living in and around the D.C., Virginia, and Maryland areas. Each December, they provides food and gifts to families through their Santa Program. They periodically host alumni events, such as Spartans in the Snow, and Spartans Go Camping. Throughout the year, they raise funds through a class ring raffle and other fundraising efforts.
Harrisburg Chapter
Our Harrisburg Chapter supports our alumni located in and around the Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York areas. Harrisburg is the oldest continuingly operating chapter in MHSAA. They participate in several community service projects with MHS students in the Harrisburg area, host an Easter party and summer pool party for MHS students, and lay a wreath at the Hersheys’ grave around Mr. Hershey’s birthday each year.

Social Clubs
For those who are not geographically located close to a chapter, but are interested in fellowship and unity, MHSAA supports the formulation of Social Clubs. These clubs are less formal than a chapter and focus on camaraderie.